A most excellent adventure...

A most excellent adventure...
The things that take priority in my backpack

Thursday, July 8, 2010

You Got Iced Bro! (Part 1)

One thing unique about doing this trip in the summer of 2010 is the drinking game known as Icing. A now-defunct website began an internet phenomena that spread among bros of all ages and locations. The premise of the game is simple- simply present a Smirnoff Ice to a bro, and he must take a knee and chug it. The trick is obviously to present them in a sneaky way. I don't have pictures of myself, being Iced, since I was obviously chugging. This is the first instalment. Smirnoff Ice is a particularly cruel brand of terrible drink.

Icing number 1: The Thatchery Bar. Scott hit the head, and when he reached for his Beer: ICE
This Icing occurred when we told the barman to give Andy an Ice, no matter what beer he ordered. ICED.

Andy ICED Tyler right before bed.

He also had placed an ICE in my backpack with my American flag.
There was also a DOUBLE ICING outside of Soccer City- Andy ICED me and Scott ICED Tyler simultaneously.

The only way to not be ICED is to have an Ice on you. Scott tried to ICE Andy as he got out of the shower (with a bit of encouragement) but Andy had brought an ICE with him. That ICE BLOCK meant that Scott had to chug both. That is a lot of sugar and ICE right before bed.

The next day was the best day of my entire life. More of that later.
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